Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Heh. Tamil serials. Ugh.

I don't like tamil serials.

Reason: Those uber-boring sitcoms.. they're SO cliched! I mean, like, getalife! I'll outline ONE story and u'll find a 100 tamil serial "stories" ACTUALLY based on that. The names are different. The cars in which the 'city DONS' travel, those are different. And, well, thats it. =D
Okay. So theres this really happy family with 'n' number of girls and just one boy. OR, no by at all. The first episode starts with how happily the family prays to the Family God together. Then comes the 'nature' wala part. There're always TWO girls who're short tempered and/or spendthrifts. There'll be ONE girl who'll be the epitome of niceness, sweetnesss, beauty, patience, etc etc. And then, the remaining will be special in their own ways, like, who can fold clothes the best or make the best tea everr or cook loads of good food in as little time as possible.

So yeah. There're always two (girly) guys who like two of these girls. The girliest guy likes the ONE girl (remember, she's the epitome of goodness?), and there'll ALWAYS be a bad guy who wants to, err, seduce? well, yeah, this one good girl. The second guy, err, is girly but still, WAY better than the first girly guy. :\
Oh, and these girls will like, support their parents all the time no matter what. It's always the boy who gets to be a drunkard and dumb and stupid and all.
So, this ultra boring story goes on and on for more than a year.. (five days a week, OMG!).. and all the girls get married one by one, some stupid husbands beat their wives up.. well, whatever happens, the End is ALWAYS the same:
They'll click a family photograph, u know, all the daughters with their husbands and kids, with prolly their STILL-surviving mum smiling her glamorous smile (she manages to stay the same. It's pretty obvious that she has powder in her hair)The daughters too have daughters and those daughters get married and they have daughters too. Heck, STILL, the daughters mum manages to remain the same.

See. I feel bad for all the grannys who havta watch stuff like THIS. Sigh. BUT, apparently, grannys enjoy watching serials like these.. I mean, it gives them satisfaction ki no matter what happens, how many people die and 'come back to life', no matter how many accidents the Baa (the oldest-est-est granny) suffers, Everyone stays alive. The girliEST guy kills the manliest bad-guy (the don, oftend misspelt as DAWN).. hA! =D

Dont worry, if u like tamil serials (Specifically tamil serials OR, their equivalent in hindi = any Ekta Kapoor serial) AND
1] Yer a guy: Dont worry. NOW you know what you are - a girly guy. Live with it, and make sure u watch atleast 10 serials a day - it gives you strength to wail and whine against the unfairness of life - about how totally un-girly guys manage to win. xD
2] Yer a girl: Aww. You'll be one of THOSE.. the no-matter-how-much-my-husnband-beats-me-up, I'll-still-support-him, EVEN-after-he-goes-on-drinking-bouts-and-goes-on-"office trips"-for-weeks types wifey. And you'll cry and cry and cry till theres enough salt water to revive The Saraswati.

Note: I dont know geography too well, forgotten all about it.

So yeah. The bottom line is, those tamil sitcoms suck, yes. Heh.


Quaintzy Patchez said...

apparently, grannys enjoy watching serials like these..

yes, eXactlY i tell you! :D

well, this was awesome! i HATE eKKta (now was that two K's or one?) hahaha.. what category do I fall in? opposite of those gals i suppose! lol

Rhetorical Rhymester said...

LOL yeah! =D

People who hate ekta pwn all. XD =D

Heh. Grannys enjoy watching stuff, but bleh. I Dont like that. I SWEAR I'll never watch stuff like this when I'm all old and stuff. xD